Moment cops in Punta Gorda, Florida, confront Justin Carver and find the remains of his mother insid

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Disturbing bodycam footage shows the moment a Florida man was confronted by police after they discovered the decomposing body of his mother in her home during a wellness check.

Justin Carver, 36, was arrested for failing to report the death of his mom Layni Carver, 55, who had filed a no-contact order against her son in the weeks before she died.

Cops were called to Carver's home in Punta Gorda on May 5 to conduct a welfare check after Layni's family became concerned they could not get in touch.

When cops arrived, they found her son living at the property and asked him if he had seen his mother lately.

After initially denying that he knew where she was and claiming he had locked himself and the officers out, Carver eventually allowed cops into the home.

Justin Carver was arrested by police in Florida after they discovered the decomposing body of his mother in her home when they went for a welfare check

Justin Carver was arrested by police in Florida after they discovered the decomposing body of his mother in her home when they went for a welfare check

Once inside, officers found the bloated and decomposing body of his mother. The police later confirmed they had detected a 'foul odor' coming from the property, which roused suspicions.

In the video, officers from the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office can be seen approaching the Carver home.

After repeatedly knocking, they leave the scene and come back as Carver exits the home, shutting the door behind him.

An officer asks: 'Did you hear us knocking before or were you knocked out?'

Carver replies that he was sleeping before sitting down and taking a drink out of a glass he has brought with him.

The cops inform him they are looking for his mother and he claims not to have seen her for a few weeks.

As they continue their questioning, Carver sits hunched over, with his arms folded and gaze averted.

One of the officers says: 'I just want to make sure that mom is not stowed away in a closet or something bad.'

Justin Carver lied to police and told them he hadn't seen his mother for a few weeks and did not know her whereabouts when he had been living next to her corpse, according to the footage

Justin Carver lied to police and told them he hadn't seen his mother for a few weeks and did not know her whereabouts when he had been living next to her corpse, according to the footage

Police became suspicious after they smelled a 'foul odor' coming from the home and Justin Carver became evasive under questioning

Police became suspicious after they smelled a 'foul odor' coming from the home and Justin Carver became evasive under questioning

Carver says he can't stop police and begins to lead them in before claiming he has locked the door behind him and doesn't have keys.

The officer asks him, 'You understand how this looks right?'

Carver eventually discloses that he is not meant to be at the property due to the no-contact order, but police assure him he is not in trouble and they just want to check on his mom. 

Finally, he relents and begins to lead the police to another door which he removes from its hinges to allow access.

The moment the officer lays eyes on the body is redacted in the footage and it cuts to the other officer talking with Carver outside and asking if he is sure his mom is not in the house.

His colleague who found the body then emerges in disbelief and asks: 'Are you going to tell me you didn't know mom was in there?'

He motions to Carver who stands up and immediately submits to being handcuffed.

They then begin questioning Carver who tells them he discovered his mother two days ago.

Justin Carver was arrested and charged with Failing to Report a Death to Medical Examiner and Resisting Officer Without Violence. Layni Carver, 55, was found dead at her Punta Gorda home by police

Layni Carver had taken out a no contact order against her son in the weeks before her death

'I smelt her before you were even outside and you're going to tell me mom is not in there when you know damn well where she was, so you were lying,' one officer says.

His colleague adds: 'Why wouldn't you just tell us the truth, we told you from the beginning we weren't there for you we just wanted to make sure mom was good that's all, so what prompted you to lie to us?'

They ask if he realized his mother was dead when he discovered her and he nods. 

When asked why he didn't call law enforcement at that point Carver replies: 'I don't know'. 

Carver was arrested and charged with Failing to Report a Death to Medical Examiner and Resisting Officer Without Violence.

Details of the circumstances of his mother's death are pending an autopsy and toxicology report. 

'The Charlotte County Sheriff's Office takes incidents of this nature seriously and is committed to ensuring that justice is served,' Sheriff Bill Prummell said. 'We extend our deepest sympathies to the family and loved ones of the deceased during this difficult time.'
