Dan Spivey Rips Old Wrestlers Suing WWE, Talks Bray Wyatts Comparisons To Waylon Mercy, Bray Seek

Posted by Martina Birk on Tuesday, May 7, 2024

dan spiveyToday The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling is joined by the great Dan Spivey. Spivey is largely recognized for his portrayal of the mysterious and down-right innovative Waylon Mercy character as part of the WWF’s New Generation, but he also has one of the most accomplished tag team resume’s of the late 80s/early 90s. A mountain of a man who battled all over the world, Spivey’s survival of his time in the wrestling business are a testament to his strong will and desire to make a difference.

Full Episode Download Link: http://tmptow.podomatic.com/entry/2015-08-24T21_00_00-07_00

Dan Spivey: Old Wrestlers Suing WWE Over Concussion Related Injuries is BS: https://youtu.be/hF8WQG6F9cA

Could today’s Pro Wrestler handle the travel schedule of “the old school”:

I think so, but the main reason we did those schedules was for the money. I went ninety days one time without ever coming home. When you are living on the road for ninety days, it was hard but we had a good time doing it. It was hard work and the thing was we were all chasing money. When you work ninety straight days you get a pretty good paycheck. Everyone wanted to work for WWE, (in the day WWF) because it was the number one company. It’s the company that if you work for them, you got famous. It was seen all over the world. Vince took it International and if you take guys today and bring them in there they would work for Vince for free to get the notoriety. It was a privilege to work for that company and because when you got to the WWE you made it in the business.

Older Wrestlers Complaining That Vince McMahon pushed them to work:

How would those guys feel that are complaining  about Vince if they never had the opportunity to work there? I think they would be very disappointed and their careers would have never been fulfilled.

First impressions of Vince McMahon:

I thought that he was and still is a great promoter. I thought he was a fair guy. He asks you to go out there and work hard and give it your very best which is what any employer would ask. I hadn’t been in the business more then two years and I had a ruptured disc in my neck and it wasn’t real clear if I was going to be able to come back from it or not. Vince (and I hadn’t been in the business more then two years) gave me five hundred dollars a week while I was recovering. I don’t know any other promoter that would have done that. He took care of me, I know that.

Did Bray Wyatt seek out his help in developing his character: 

I’m just assuming that everybody knows but me and Mike (Rotunda) were partners when I first came to the WWE. I teamed up with him as the US-Express. Mike’s two kids Widham and Bo were both down in the training facility for the WWE and Bray (Windham) came to me and asked me about Waylon Mercy. So we talked and I gave him some ideas and the kid ran with it and he’s done a great job with it and I am really happy for him.
