Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction Bray Wyatt Makes Everyone Better

Posted by Almeda Bohannan on Monday, May 6, 2024

wwe smackdown reactionThe Shield was forced to face 3MB and Rybaxel in consecutive matches. Ambrose and Rollins were the men working in these matches. They basically controlled the entire matches and Kane was the reason they had to fight two matches. Ambrose ends the first match with Dirty Deeds and Rollins picks up the win for his team about a curb stomp kick to pick up the victory. After the match, they hit a Triple Powerbomb onto Ryback.

I understand the logic of Kane, but facing 3MB is absolutely useless. I would much rather see Ambrose vs. Road Dogg or Kane vs. Reigns. WWE should use all six men and not just The Shield to build this feud. With that being said, The Shield continues to put on entertaining matches and fast paced action that usually comes second to none. Does anyone really think Kane and The New Age Outlaws will win? I sure don't, but the match should be a good filler before a big match at WrestleMania. I would prefer Kane vs. Reigns and Ambrose/Rollins in a tag team title match.

Sandow gets whipped into the corner and hits a splash. He sends Cara to the other side and Sandow gets rolled up for the loss.

Scooby Doo is more important that Damien Sandow.

Fandango punches Goldust a few times and applies a headlock, then Goldust counters with a suplex and some mounted corner punches, Goldust hits a few arm drag take downs. He follows up with a big body slam and then goes to the outside. Goldust chases Fandango outside and Summer gets in his way, then she taunts him before Fandango kicks him in the head for the win.

A quick match for Fandango. He picks up a win over Goldust in a somewhat relevant match. What did Goldust and Cody Rhodes do to be booked like this after losing the WWE Tag Team Championships only a few months ago?

Tamina gets into the ring and hits a Samoan Drop. AJ Lee gets in the ring and immediately tries to pin Nikki. Tamina misses a splash from the top rope and Brie gets in the ring. Brie hits a running knee and then hits a missle dropkick from the top. Tamina and AJ Lee argue back and forth until Tamina tags her in. Tamina shoves her in the ring and Brie hits a face buster for the win.

If you want AJ Lee to look weak, you are doing the right thing. Tamina needs to separate herself from AJ Lee and go her own way. It looks like this is how WWE wants to do it. I just cannot see AJ Lee losing the title to anyone. Where are the Divas that can really challenge her and make an impact? Is there any on the WWE roster?

Jimmy starts the offense in a fast pace. Jimmy would get chopped down by his knee and Jack Swagger locks in the Patriot Act. Jimmy has to tap out and Swagger wins.

Quick match with fast action and an understanding that The Real Americans are favorites at WrestleMania, as they should be.

The Miz was able to kick down Henry and hit a running dropkick to the knee. He works on the lower body of Henry and begins to take over. This does not last long, as Henry hits a powerslam. Henry hits running headbutts into Miz and ends up winning with the World Strongest Slam.

Another dead match that tried to make the battle royal seem more important. The action wasn't bad, but it lacked dramatic elements to be more than 3-4 minutes.
