Secrets Uber Doesn't Want You To Know

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Thursday, May 2, 2024

There have been many alleged incidents of Uber drivers making homophobic threats against their riders.

In Atlanta, Project Q reports that an Uber driver allegedly threatened a gay couple in his car with a gun. The couple says that even after they got out at their destination, the driver followed them and continued to threaten them. According to Uber policy, guns are not allowed in Uber vehicles.

Not to be outdone by Hotlanta, Chi-town stepped up their hate game. A woman in Chicago said she was verbally assaulted by her driver, who drove her to a desolate area. According to Vocativ, a woman only identified as Rena M. said she was threatened because she was gay. Rena reported the driver, saying that he "stopped the car in the middle of a busy street in an industrial area, got out of the car, opened my door and threatened to beat me up if I didn't get out of the car."

We're not done yet. From Down Under, a driver was accused of threatening to drag one gay couple out of the car, as reported by CNET. Across the pond, a London Uber driver was accused of kicking a couple out of his car for kissing. According to The Independent, the couple said the driver tossed them out with the sentiment,  "I don't want two guys kissing in the back of my taxi." The two passengers said they were frightened, especially since the incident happened not long after the shooting at the Orlando nightclub.

In addition, Fusion reports that one gay couple said they were kicked out of an Uber during gay pride week in San Francisco. You'd think an Uber driver would know what's up, driving through Gay Pride weekend. Apparently not. We haven't even scratched the surface when it comes to drivers who shouldn't be operating vehicles for a corporate company, or anywhere near human beings. Uber has fired some of the drivers involved, but still. It sure does seem to hire a lot of hateful, homophobic drivers in the first place.
